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Amazon Kayapo Tribe

The Kayapo: Guardians of the Amazon

Preserving a Vital Ecosystem

In the heart of Brazil, on a vast plateau far south of the Amazon River, live the Kayapo warriors. These fierce protectors of their land have fought tirelessly to safeguard their ancestral forests, playing a crucial role in preserving one of the Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems.

Spanning over 110,000 square kilometers, Kayapo lands encompass an unspoiled primary forest that forms the last remaining intact ecosystem of its kind. The Kayapo people, with a population of around 8,600, reside in villages of 50 to 600 inhabitants.

Their language, a member of the Jê family, echoes through the dense vegetation as they move through the forest, armed with shotguns and axes in search of game. But their true battles lie beyond the hunt, as they face encroaching ranchers and gold miners who threaten their ancestral way of life.

In a remarkable feat of resistance, the Kayapo have successfully challenged powerful interests and triumphed over adversity. They famously brought the construction of a massive dam to a standstill, preserving their lands from flooding and safeguarding the habitat of countless species.
