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A Disturbing Problem Discovered

LAPACK overwrites input argument

A disturbing problem discovered

New article sheds light on a worrying issue

In a recent discovery, it has been found that the LAPACK library overwrites the input argument. This is a serious problem that can lead to unexpected behavior and data loss. The issue affects all versions of LAPACK, including the latest release. A rank-2 array d with bounds mn Returns. A rank-2 array d with bounds mn Returns Lurank-2 array d with bounds mn and a storage. DGETRF computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A Using partial pivoting with row interchanges A P L U. Since the original LAPACK implementation and many current implementations are written in Fortran all arguments are passed by reference. Scipylinalglapackdgetrf scipylinalglapackdgetrfa overwrite_a Wrapper for dgetrf..
